Savoring the Flavors of France: Exquisite Wine and Cheese Pairings

France is renowned for its exceptional wines and cheeses, with certain regions producing some of the finest examples in the world. When it comes to pairing these two culinary delights, the possibilities are endless, creating harmonious and indulgent combinations that tantalise the senses.

So whether it's for your own enjoyment or whether you're entertaining guests, in this blog post, in partnership with our friends at The Fine Cheese Company, we'll explore some of the most classic and beloved combinations of our French wines and French and British classic cheeses that are available for you to try today.

Bordeaux Wines and Cheese Pairings

The Bordeaux region is famous for its bold and structured red wines, making them ideal companions for rich and flavorful cheeses. Here are some of our favourites...

St. Emilion Grand Cru and Aged Comté

St. Emilion Grand Cru wines, with their complex flavors of black fruits, tobacco, and earthy notes, pair beautifully with the nutty and slightly sweet flavors of aged Comté cheese. The tannins in the wine complement the firm texture of the cheese, creating a harmonious balance. This pairing is a true celebration of the terroir, as both the wine and the cheese are products of their respective regions, reflecting the unique characteristics of the soil and climate.

Try pairing the fantastic Lacbleu Saint-Emilion Grand Cru, 2017 (£59/bottle) with this Marcel Petite 24 month matured Comté (£14.98/250g) from the Jura mountains.

Cabernet Sauvignon and Cheddar

The full-bodied and intense Cabernet Sauvignon from Bordeaux is an excellent match for the sharp and robust flavors of aged cheddar cheese. The wine's tannins and acidity cut through the richness of the cheese, resulting in a delightful pairing that allows both elements to shine. This combination is a classic that never fails to impress, showcasing the bold and assertive character of both the wine and the cheese.

Try pairing the Lacbleu Bordeaux Supérieur, 2018 (£19/bottle) with this delicious hand-selected Pitchfork Somerset Cheddar (£10/250g) created just seven miles from Cheddar Gorge.

Burgundy Wines and Cheese Pairings

Burgundy is renowned for its exceptional Pinot Noir and Chardonnay wines, which offer a range of pairing possibilities with various French cheeses.

Chablis and Goats' Cheese

The crisp and minerally Chablis, made from Chardonnay grapes, is a perfect complement to the tangy and earthy flavors of fresh goat cheese. The wine's acidity helps to balance the richness of the cheese, creating a refreshing and harmonious pairing. This combination is ideal for warm summer days, when a light and refreshing pairing is desired.

Try pairing our amazing Lacbleu Chablis, 2014 (£68/bottle) with this delicious Sinodun Hill goats' milk cheese (£14.45) from Oxfordshire.

Pinot Noir and Brie

The delicate and fruity notes of Pinot Noir from Burgundy pair beautifully with the creamy and slightly mushroomy flavors of Brie cheese. The wine's light tannins and acidity cut through the richness of the cheese, resulting in a delightful and well-balanced combination. This pairing is a classic that never fails to impress, showcasing the elegance and finesse of both the wine and the cheese.

Try pairing our amazing Lacbleu Bourgogne, 2015 (£39/bottle) with this traditional Summer Truffle Brie Dongé (£20.50/250g).

Burgundy Reds and Epoisses

The bold and earthy flavors of Epoisses, a pungent washed-rind cheese from Burgundy, are perfectly matched by the region's robust and complex red wines. The wine's tannins and acidity help to cut through the richness of the cheese, creating a harmonious and indulgent pairing. This combination is a true celebration of the terroir, as both the wine and the cheese reflect the unique characteristics of the Burgundy region.

Try pairing our delicious Lacbleu Côteaux Bourguinons (£31/bottle) with this traditional soft, oozy and luscious Epoisses Gaugry (£19.85).

Other Delightful Pairings

While Bordeaux and Burgundy offer some of the most renowned pairings, France's diverse wine regions and cheese varieties provide countless other delightful combinations to explore.

Beaujolais and Gruyère

The light and fruity Beaujolais wines, made from the Gamay grape, pair exceptionally well with the nutty and slightly salty flavors of Gruyère cheese. The wine's bright acidity and low tannins complement the cheese's creaminess, creating a harmonious and refreshing pairing.

Champagne and Brie

Champagne and Brie are a classic French pairing that never fails to impress. The effervescence and acidity of the Champagne cut through the richness of the Brie, while the cheese's creamy texture and subtle flavors enhance the wine's complexity and depth.

Sancerre and Chèvre

The crisp and minerally Sancerre, made from Sauvignon Blanc grapes, is an excellent match for the tangy and earthy flavors of fresh chèvre (goat cheese). The wine's high acidity complements the cheese's acidity, creating a refreshing and balanced pairing.

These are just a few examples of the many delightful pairings that can be found between French wines and cheeses. When exploring these combinations, remember to consider the intensity and flavors of both the wine and the cheese, aiming for a balance that allows each to shine while complementing the other.

One of the joys of pairing wine and cheese is the opportunity to experiment and discover new and exciting combinations. Don't be afraid to step outside of the traditional pairings and explore the vast array of options available. Each cheese and wine has its own unique character, and finding the perfect match can be a delightful journey of discovery.

In conclusion, the wines of France offer a wealth of pairing possibilities with the country's exceptional cheeses, creating harmonious and indulgent combinations that tantalize the senses. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a curious novice, exploring these pairings is a journey that promises to delight and inspire.